What to do if your UK residence permit is lost/stolen?

You ought to file a report once you are aware that your Biometric Residence Permit is missing. This applies regardless of where you are. Your college or university can report on your behalf. You await a day for feedback from the Home Office.
However, if you manage to locate it after reporting it missing, it cannot be used.

If you are in the UK and you lost it, report and apply for another one within 3 months, or else you shall be fined £ 1000 and forced outside the country. This is in the case of it being valid for over three months. If it is valid for three months or less; one must report whether missing if you are not planning to remain after the expiration. Apply for a replacement if you want to leave and come back to the UK within 3 months and apply for a visa extending the date.

When you are out of the UK, you can report it missing. However, a replacement can only be applied while in the UK. You are required to get a Biometric Residence Permit Visa. It costs €154 and will allow you to enter the UK once. A replacement application is only possible while in the UK. This is to be within the 3 months of it missing unless you have valid reasons why you could not apply it in that time.

If you lose your Biometric Residence Permit and are outside the UK for over two years, you can apply for Returning Resident Visa.

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